Thursday, June 13, 2019

Assignment #3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

3 - Assignment ExampleDiscuss the final result of the disparate schedules in Figure 21.3 (a) and (b), where M = 2 and N = 2, with respect to the following questions. Does adding the above condition change the final outcome? Does the outcome obey the implied congruity rule (that the capacity of X is 90)?However, a transaction could end in two ways, When it Commits that is all changes to the database are registered or Rollback when the chances are ignored and database returns to maestro state.With ARIES, main memory buffers that have been modified are not flushed to discus. ARIES, however writes additional information to the LOG in the form of a feat Table and a Dirty Page Table when a checkpoint occurs.No-steal means that the cache (buffer) page updated by a transaction cannot be written to disk before the transaction commits. Force means that updated pages are written to disk when a transaction commits.24.33- Suppose that liberty (a) of exercise 24.32 is to be given with dedic ate OPTION but only so that account A can grant it to at most five accounts, and each of these accounts can propagate the privilege to other accounts but without the GRANT OPTION privilege. What would the horizontal and vertical propagation limits be in this case?24.34- Consider the relation shown in Figure 24.2 (d). How would it advance to a user with classification U? Suppose a classification U user tries to update the salary of Smith to $50,000 what would be the result of this

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